Eleven glorious hours in the saddle today. It was an EPIC day and I loved EVERY minute.
4:55 AM…eyes WIDE open.
Quick shower, some Orange #zipfizz blended with the PERFECTED combination of ice, water, and organic coconut water. Yummy. What more could a guy want for breakfast?

Today’s Bible devotional was from John 3. Recently, like this AM, I will use the #YouVersion Bible App and have the Scriptures read to me. My translation of choice, as of late, is The Message by Eugene Peterson. I have Beto Gudino to hold accountable for that. Thanks Beto!
This is the verse that captured my imagination: Jesus said, “You’re not listening. Let me say it again. Unless a person submits to this original creation—the ‘wind hovering over the water’ creation, the invisible moving the visible, a baptism into a new life—it’s not possible to enter God’s kingdom.” John 3:5 (MSG)
Bike loaded and my room key turned in . . . I began the morning with a quick trip up into the Eastern Sierra Mountain foothills to catch the sunrise . . . which I posted on my Facebook page earlier today.
Note: Throughout the day, I post a lot on Instagram. Be sure to check it out.
From there, I ascended East, over the California White Mountains on Hwy 168 and Hwy 266. I will DEFINITELY be returning.

For all you motorcycle enthusiasts, if you’ve not done this stretch of payment, I strongly encourage you too. It features single lane pavement on multiple occasions.

While peaking the Westgard Pass, I stopped to shoot this short video. It’s a little SHOUT OUT to my Bible study boys on Monday night and Wednesday morning.
Shortly thereafter, I was greeted with THIS . . .

I’ll close by sharing a few of the sites that greeted me along the way:

I’ll see you tomorrow. I’ve got my sights on Idaho.
Safe travels. Looks amazing. See you soon.
Thanks Mike. Probably not as fun as your time in Seattle…but I’m trying.
Whats better than a good 2 wheel trip? NOT MUCH!! Thanks for sharing. “rubber side down, shiny side up”
Absolutely Mark! Thanks for checking in.