How do YOU handle surprises? When things don’t go as planned, how do YOU generally respond?
This past week, I had the opportunity to officiate the wedding of Brian Klock and Vanessa Nay. Brian is the founder of Klockwerks and a legend in the motorcycle industry. As I have written about before, Brian also happens to be my cousin.
The venue for Vanessa and Brian’s special knot-tying celebration was the South Dakota Black Hills; just outside of the historic mining town of Deadwood. For their ceremony, they had secured a secluded, outdoor site. It was a private, quiet location surrounded by evergreen trees; with a moderately moving stream running across the property.
Everyone agreed that it was THE perfect place for a dreamy wedding: During the summer. The only caveat: this was DECEMBER.
Snow was forecasted by the weather pros. A winter wonderland was practically a sure thing.
Have you ever stood outside, for any length of time, in sub-zero temperatures? Even when wearing the appropriate clothing, the experience can be less-than-pleasurable.
But then…LOVE WARMS EVERYTHING! And this festive occasion was not about to be thwarted by a few negative numbers. As long as no-one stuck their tongue on a metal pole, we’d all be just fine.
Snow baby snow.
And it did!
Half of the invited wedding guests never made the wedding. Mother nature got the best of every airport and blacktop road in the four-state area. Many were turned back due to road closures and the risk of traveling in such frigid conditions.
Mainstreet Deadwood, SD
For the few of us, however, who managed to wiggle our way through the snowy white-outs and icy skids, we were treated to some spectacular wedding memories. With these memories, came the simple yet profound reminder that every day is an invitation to embrace the surprises and make the most of every detour.

What roadblocks are currently standing in YOUR way? Will you dare to venture into the wild unknown? I urge you to; but do so “in community.”
With a little bit of luck and whole lot of love, you most assuredly will experience a memory of a lifetime!
Cheers to a happy and prosperous 2019.